Webclient oauth2 client credentials example

Aug 22, 2020 · I'm having some trouble understanding how to customize an authentication request made using Oauth2 when applying a ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction Jul 7, 2023 · I'm trying to get the springboot webflux oauth2 client_credentials flow work but the application is working as expected. Now, on the application page, click on Generate a new client secret. From the left menu, select OAuth Apps, then click on New OAuth App. lang. The response body of the /token endpoint contains your token. return WebClient. 0 draft 10: Dec 10, 2009 · The problem is that the request is not authenticated so all I get is a login screen. We’ll create a Spring Web Application capable of listing the repositories of a GitHub account. 0 specifications. Sep 19, 2023 · Intro Hey friends! This is a jam-packed tutorial about using Spring Boot 3, the new RestClient, and the OAuth 2 client, to connect to the YouTube API. === Replace the values in the client-id and client-secret property with the OAuth 2. 3 of the OAuth 2. The first step is ensuring to setup the WebClient correctly. From now on, you do not need to manage any ClientRegistration. Using spring-security-oauth it was pretty easy to use the OAuth2RestTemplate with a client-credentials flow. I think it should not be kept somewhere in the session or database. @EnableWebFluxSecurity. For example, you can name it after API your trying to access or Identity Provider name. Select the checkbox next to “Enable Client Credentials Flow. 0 standard (emphasis added): The credentials should only be used when there is a high degree of trust between the resource owner and the client (e. 0 allows users to share specific data with an application while keeping their usernames, passwords, and other information private. x do not support RestTemplate, but only WebClient. &client_id=xxxxxxxxxx. Problem This was my first try, but unfortunately with the new Spring Security release, I can't seem to get the OAuth2FeignRequestInterceptor instantiated, I might have a package problem. Username and password is fixed (not coming from HTTP request). I have the client id and secret key. The oauth2 client needs to be of a password grant type. You can actually configure the OAuth 2. getSubject()); Dec 12, 2019 · 1. I have sent the UseDefaultCredentials property to true but I still get the same result. However, consider a case where your controller is bound to some aspect of Spring Security’s OAuth 2. Now, I have a Spring Cloud Gateway which would like to do that and request a token and forward it downstream to a resource server. Another solution uses OAuth2RestTemplate which is simple OAuth, allows third-party services, such as Facebook, to use account information from an end-user without exposing the user's Client Credentials. 0 Authorization Framework. Click Add Authorization Server, then give your server a useful name and description. I just tried to avoid asking user for providing the password and user name for ouath so I hard coded it in the source just for that purpose. Spring Boot + OAuth 2 Client Credentials Grant - Hello World Example. Nothing about it is OAuth2-specific, so you can use @WithMockUser and be fine. Step 1: Register the web API app. configure it to use your newly created client. host(proxyHost). For client_credentials the token is simply requested and saved Support for the ability to transparently include the current OAuth token or explicitly select which token should be used. port(Integer. , the client is part of the device operating system or a highly privileged application), and when other authorization grant types are not available (such Overview. These directives shouldn’t be reused for different requests, they retrieve references, and therefore the latter Client Authentication with client credentials included in the request-body is supported out of the box and no customization is necessary to enable it. Most likely, you'd want to deploy AccessTokenService as an independent JAX-RS endpoint, for example: <!-- implements OAuthDataProvider -->. re-use the same token for subsequent requests for the duration of the token validity. Right click now on the folder Home and select Add -> New item -> MVC View Page (ASP. RequestBodySpec, WebClient. There are a lot of examples for authorization code grant type, but not very much about the client credentials grant type, which seems to be the Jan 29, 2023 · WebClient webClient = WebClient. Below is a portion of my code: WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient. 0 is the industry-standard protocol for authorization, enabling third-party applications to obtain limited access to an HTTP service, either on behalf of a resource owner or by allowing the third-party application to obtain access on its Apr 12, 2012 · OAuth Server JAX-RS endpoints. I had a requirement for the Client Credentials grant flow configuration. Resource Owner Password Credentials; Client Credentials; please, give me some real time examples for the above types to differentiate the implementation. By default the name of the view is Index. CONTEXT: An application, acting as a client, that requests an Access Token from an OAuth2 Authorization server. I can't find any samples for Spring OAuth2 Client using the password grant. OAuthLib provides a WebApplicationClient class that implements the Web Application Flow described above. &client_secret=xxxxxxxxxx. proxy(proxy ->. setDefaultClientRegistrationId(registrationId); Jun 25, 2024 · 4. Today I saw most of those classes are deprecated in 2. I have tried several examples found around the internet and none have worked for me so far. oauth. 1 Create a client secret. . Note the function named configureHttpProxy: I have to figure out how to use OAuth 2 in order to use Deviantart api. 0 client credentials grant flow permits a web service (confidential client) to use its own credentials, instead of impersonating a user, to authenticate when calling another web service. filter(oauth) token will be requested and updated automatically. xml <dependency> <groupId>org. There is no spring http session or auth at this layer, I just have client_id, client_secret and token url. First, you will use the CommandLineRunner interface, just as you did above. You can use any identifier of your choice as a client registration id. spring: security: oauth2: client: registration: idp: clientId: id clientSecret: secret authorization-grant-type: client_credentials scope: read provider: idp: authorization-uri: myidp/authorization. Suppose it wants search data from makemytrip. Previous version (Spring Oauth2 + RestTemplate) did NOT open any ports, especially 8080. It is used to get ClientRegistration from ClientRegistrationRepository. RequestHeadersSpec, WebClient. Ensure that: The Client Credentials grant type is configured in the Grant Types field. OAuth2 defines four grant types. May 15, 2024 · For type 1, include your username and password in the body. Jun 8, 2021 · 2. First, we need to create a new project at Google Developer Console. 0 to obtain permission from users to store files in their Google Drives. Spring Security’s OAuth 2. return Mono. x had recently added the support for configuring the reactive oauth2 client based on the WebClient class. Step 2. This OAuth 2. Builder static class SecurityConfig { String tokenUri; String clientId; String username; String password; } Here is a full test using WireMock Aug 31, 2020 · Disclaimer: This is a hacky way, but it works (and if its stupid but it works, it ain't stupid) All relevant parts will always use the ClientRegistrationRepository to find the ClientRegistration (and with that, the scopes). Doing this call without the Mutual TLS/SSL is quiet straight forward. e. OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient = this. In Postman, click Generate Code and then in Generate Code Snippets dialog you can select a different coding language, including C# (RestSharp). These properties are set in application. Something like this: grant_type: "client_credentials". build(); As I know from the RestTemplate, it can be used as a Singleton. WebClient extension for Servlet Environments (for making protected resource requests) Feb 21, 2023 · This is a fairly common scenario. Introduction. getTokenString()) . At a high level, you follow five steps: 1. See Spring Security Reference: HTTP Client support. For the example, set the following values: Click Register application. 0 support consists of two primary feature sets: OAuth2 Resource Server. build(); where SecurityConfig is defined like. The authorization server is where clients can request a token to use on your API server. Client Credentials Grant. Nov 13, 2019 · I'm trying to create a Spring Boot REST application that has to make a remote REST call to another application protected by OAuth2. POST /token HTTP/1. authorize(authorizeRequest); // Confirmed with debugging that it is using the correct registration repository and finding the correct registration. The set May 29, 2020 · From the migration guide, Spring Security chooses to favor composition and instead exposes an OAuth2AuthorizedClientService, which is useful for creating RestTemplate interceptors or WebClient exchange filter functions. 0 authorization server. OAuth 2. net MVC! ). After obtaining access token I should request secured resource with it. Another trick you can "Restore" the Playground by generating a URL (click on the "URL" ico on the top right). === <1> spring. Apr 26, 2022 · An authorization grant is a credential representing the resource owner’s authorization used by the client to obtain an access token. filter(oauth("businesspartners", securityConfig)) . setAccessTokenUri(accessTokenUri); /*. When I have a route where only one request is sent at a time, the tokens are automatically refreshed. 6. Host: authorization-server. com, so Trivago Server will authenticate itself by Jul 6, 2021 · 1. g. Jun 6, 2018 · Create an Authorization Server. client. builder() . Spring Boot and OAuth2. For example, an application can use OAuth 2. As an example, I'll use GitHub for an OAuth2 login and will access an OAuth2 protected API using the WebClient. Jan 8, 2024 · Overview. registration is the base property prefix for OAuth Client properties. 0 support: public Mono<String> foo(@AuthenticationPrincipal OidcUser user) {. Apr 25, 2024 · In this article, we explored two options for unit and integration testing Spring OAuth2 access control rules with mocked identities in both servlet and reactive applications: MockMvc request post-processors and WebTestClient mutators from spring-security-test. In this client, you will use two different methods to run tasks. 0 Client Credentials Grant Type Flow. just(user. When using @EnableOAuth2Client spring creates a OAuth2ClientContext for us: "The OAuth2ClientContext is placed (for you) in session scope to keep the state for different users separate. Dec 30, 2015 · Luckily, several standard implementations exist in the OAuth. Nov 1, 2018 · The OAuth 2. Here the information they give. 0 credentials such as a client ID and client secret that are known to both Google and your application. This article will introduce OAuth2. @lombok. Jun 12, 2020 · 1. This guide shows you how to build a sample app doing various things with "social login" using OAuth 2. baseUrl(apiBaseUrl) . Endpoints. 1. request access token, check expiry time, re-request access token, etc) to Spring Security Oauth2 Client and still had all the benefits of the reactive w May 2, 2019 · 3. OAuth2 Client. Now, we’ll configure our application to support login using Google. 0 Client features provide support for the Client role as defined in the OAuth 2. I know how it works in Postman and I have Authorization Server and Resource server setup working with Postman. In Postman I can archive this by selecting "Send client credentials in body" in the "Get new access token" dialog. 0 and the recommendation is to use Spring Security 5. 0 flow is called the implicit grant flow. <2> Following the base property prefix is the ID for the ClientRegistration, such as google. But when I have multiple such requests, like on a home page, the WebClient spawns refresh requests on every thread, one per AJAX request. It starts with a simple, single-provider single-sign on, and works up to a client with a choice of authentication providers: GitHub or Google. Assumption is that the Authorization Server supports OpenId Connect 1. auth import HTTPBasicAuth from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session # Set the OAuth2 provider URL and client credentials provider_url = "https://oauth2. Use<GuidNonceProvider>()); Jun 11, 2024 · All applications follow a basic pattern when accessing a Google API using OAuth 2. 0 are the client_id and client_secret values for your app, as well as the endpoint shown below. Facing problem with oAuth2 when the Authentication Server (Keycloak) is having SSL (https). OAuth2 Spring WebFlux project setup. NET Core). HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler(); handler. OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = authorizedClient. apply(oauth2. Apr 28, 2022 · The problem is: This app runs on a server that has port 8080 already allocated. HTTP). To Obtain an Access Token Using the Client Credentials Grant. builder(). It seems that I can not use WebClient without making this app a webapp, listening on port 8080, which I cannot open, and I don't want to change to a random port to avoid collision. Can anyone point me to the right direction? Jul 16, 2021 · Here's a code example from the documentation for the HttpClientHandler class: static async Task Main() {. 0 client registration demonstrate the configuration: spring: security: oauth2: client: registration: okta: client-id: client-id client-secret 3. Though I am passing InsecureTrustManagerFactory while defining WebClient, this oAuth is called before the builder is complete as it is there in the filter, it uses default implementation of WebClient Jan 9, 2015 · @webgeek - It is just an example so trying to make it as condensed as possible I hard coded some stuff that's why it still worked. Then on the left menu, choose Developer settings. The following Spring Boot properties for an OAuth 2. It has answers to all your questions. Login Using Google. The Maven project for this example contains Jul 18, 2020 · The Client bean of type WebClient for interacting with the service. The following main features are available: Authorization Code Grant. Apr 19, 2021 · I need to call an external API from my spring boot project. However, it does not exist as a standalone feature and requires OAuth2 Client in order to function. EDIT: I am able to set the header manually while building a new WebClient. Step 2: Register an application. – Aug 11, 2021 · I have successfully implemented WebClient with oAuth2. 0 credentials you created earlier. yaml file. For this reason, I'm Mar 8, 2024 · Step 1: Authorize. Then, choose your scopes; because this is meant for API access, you should choose the API only scope. Spring 5 WebClient is an excellent web client for Spring that can do reactive API request. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use Spring OAuth2RestTemplate to make OAuth2 REST calls. The grant specified in RFC 6749, sometimes called two-legged OAuth, can be used to access web-hosted resources by using the identity of an application. A builder that builds a DelegatingReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider Apr 18, 2022 · Try to follow the article to create minimal, reproducible example. May 11, 2024 · Note: although it might seem we reuse the request spec variables (WebClient. Then, you can run the simple server (which has one endpoint at root). 2. You can then use this token to access resources. Below are the grant types according to OAuth2 specification: Authorization code grant; Implicit grant; Resource owner Password Jun 11, 2024 · OAuth 2. Press the button Add to add the new view. Spring WebClient Oauth2 with Client Credentials spring oauth2 java . I am looking for a Spring OAuth2 Client example that uses grant_type=password. The samples are all single-page apps using Spring Boot and Apr 2, 2018 · The OAuth 2 client credentials grant type is exclusively used for scenarios in which no user exists (CRON jobs, scheduled tasks, other data workloads, etc. Simple OAuth2 is a Node. oltu. Here's my code (it's in kotlin but should be understandable also for java devs) for spring boot version 2. Apr 19, 2016 · from oauthlib. client</artifactId> <version>0. The resulting code looks like something like this: var container = new Container(); container. The scope to request for a client credential flow is the name of the resource followed by /. Maven Configuration. This will demonstrate using WebClient in a blocking context. I got the client_id and client_secret part. The application successfully makes Oauth Oct 27, 2019 · tcpClient. 2. 0 Client support integrates client_credentials - the access token is The following code shows an example of how to configure WebClient with OAuth For example consider Trivago, a hotel aggregator portal which will be our client application. client_secret: "superdupersecret". Combining with Spring Security Oauth2 Client we can handle the heavy jobs (ie. Normal (without TLS/SSL) configuration ( @Configuration) the code Spring ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProviderBuilder tutorial with examples Previous Next. NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "be Dec 2, 2019 · For each out going request to resource server, we need to send id_token. Now, inside this Views folder, add another folder named Home. security. client_id: "client". 0 Client features of Spring Security 5. defaultHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+ context. oauth2</groupId> <artifactId>org. x and Spring 5. Trivago server will be accessing several third party APIs to show search results. I need to know that what are the types of grant implementation spring security oauth2 has and full flow for spring oauth2 with security. First, we need to add spring-boot-starter-security and the spring-security-oauth2-autoconfigure dependencies to our pom Feb 13, 2020 · WebFlux OAuth2 WebClient Authentication in grant_type client_credentials uses the same token from HTTP Server Request context, even if client_id is different. With CXF offering OAuth service implementations and a custom OAuthDataProvider provider in place, it is time to deploy the OAuth2 server. . valueOf(proxyPort)) ); This is how to configure the OAuth2Client for the WebClient used for calling outside systems (based on the response of @abhinaba-chakraborty). I am trying to set a Spring WebClient instance to use OAuth 2. Now, we need to add OAuth2 credentials (Create Credentials > OAuth Client ID). In this article. The Authorization-grant-type is password. Implicit, optimized for clients implemented in a browser using a scripting language such as JavaScript. Obtain OAuth 2. Example Callstack: Spring Service 1 calls Spring Service 2 via WebClient with Oauth2 JWT-Token in client credentials stacks with client-id "call1" Jun 2, 2021 · This seems to be working fine because the code shows that it is using the WebClient. For type 2, format the username and password as "username:password", base64 encode it using java. provider. apache. getIdToken(). Can RestTemplate be used? Can you suggest how to pass the id and key as part of the API call? Any example? According to section 1. UseDefaultCredentials = true; return Encoding. This client can be an external web If the OAuth 2. App registration overview. Spring Boot Security - Introduction to OAuth Spring Boot OAuth2 Part 1 - Getting The Authorization Code Spring Boot OAuth2 Part 2 - Getting The Access Token And Using it to fetch data. For more information, see Authorization Server Configuration. Just click on the "Wheely" icon on the top right to open the configuration menu and select the "Client Side" Flow. authorizedClientManager. Here we are going to discuss how to configure WebClient to access OAuth2 protected REST resources Jul 30, 2021 · Sign in and go to the top-right user menu and choose Settings. This notation tells Microsoft Entra ID to use application level permissions declared statically during the application registration. 1 adds simpler implementation for OAuth2 authentication mecanism, I suggest you have a look to this more recent post : StackOverflow - Spring Security 5. I would like to implement a client which should simply send some rest calls with a OAuth2 token. UTF8 1. The test case starts up two servers: A mock Oauth2 service for creating tokens; A mock http server that acts as our api server; The testcase creates a webclient which: Invokes the mock Oauth2 server and retrieve a token Simple OAuth2. Before you begin, use the Choose a policy type selector at the top of this page to choose the type of policy you’re setting up. This will enable the OAuth flow for the selected connected app and OAuth scopes. Everything can be set using properties. As Spring Security 5. After you register with an OAuth2 provider and obtain a client ID, create a new instance of WebApplicationClient in the web application. The first application is using the Reactive WebClient to make the The OAuth 2. Base64 (Java 8), and include it in the header. Spring Security provides ExchangeFilterFunction s for both Servlet- and WebFlux-based applications that both leverage this Mar 28, 2023 · Let’s focus instead on the following section, API (Enable OAuth Settings). public class WebClientConfig {. The Access Token is requested asynchronously to avoid blocking the appliction's thread while the token request is processed at the other end and the response arrives. For example: May 27, 2021 · 1. /client-webclient - a client built using the new WebClient /client-resttemplate - a client build using the deprecated RestTemplate; To run the sample app, the first step is to configure an Okta OIDC app for all three of the projects. The API permissions must be granted by a tenant administrator. ). Authorization Code, for web apps that are server-side apps. getAccessToken(); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); This should build the project and run the testcase which uses a webclient to make a secured call to a mock api. Spring Security 5 provides OAuth2 support for Spring Webflux’s non-blocking WebClient class. 1 - Get token for client credentials flow with WebClient. Also, you should only need the access token URL. type(ProxyProvider. 0 documentation describes client credentials grant: Clients use the client credentials grant type to obtain access tokens outside the context of a user. post the processed data together with the token using WebClient to a third party API that uses Oauth2 for authentication. Value @lombok. build(); } When I then use this WebClient, I get a null response with a vague exception (the nullpointer itself due to the response being null), before oath this request did return a response: java. The form parameters are then: Code Snippet: From the response body you can then obtain your access token. ”. UseDefaultCredentials = true; // Create an HttpClient object. com. 4. Feb 17, 2022 · It does this using a WebClient bean with the oauth2 filter enabled. The main idea is I need to acquire and refresh the access token automatically when it expires. May 24, 2022 · The argument of clientCredentials() is a builder Consumer. setClientSecret(oAuth2ClientSecret); resourceDetails. 3. 0 is an authorization framework that enables obtaining limited access to user accounts on an HTTP service. This flow is less showy than other OAuth flows as there is no end user or browser to deal with, but is far easier to understand than the more complicated user-centric OAuth 2. I have rest api secured with oauth2 that I need to consume. 0 client credential authorization. Referring to a lot of questions and answers on stackoverflow, springboot doc Jun 11, 2020 · The Resource Server only accepts the credentials in the Request Body. In short, if you configure web client with authentication filter , WebClient. scope: "". The only information you need to authenticate with us using OAuth 2. Apr 8, 2024 · The OAuth 2. UriSpec, WebClient. OAuth2 test annotations from spring-addons-oauth2-test. — One may have multiple clients with different client_id & client_secret pairs. However, I need to get this token in my Nov 24, 2015 · I am trying to implement service to service security into spring boot services using spring oauth2. Feb 6, 2024 · Scopes to request. 0 credentials from the Google API Console. 0. default. Show 4 more. Net. Spring Security Oauth2 Tutorial with Keycloak - Part 2, in this video we are going to learn the Client Credentials Flow and how to implement it using Keycloa Jun 10, 2021 · So here goes a complete example. proxy. Client credentials grant; Refresh token grant; Spring Boot Security - Implementing OAuth2. Proxy. We built an application that updates the title of a video to always* reflect the current number of views. 0 and Spring Boot. 0 Client registration as follows: spring: security: oauth2: client: registration: okta: client-id: okta-client-id client-authentication-method: none authorization-grant-type: authorization_code redirect-uri: "{baseUrl}/authorized/okta" Public Clients are supported using I was having the same problem where access token response and request for it wasn't following oAuth2 standards. Next, we’ll add this to “Authorized Redirect URIs”: Dec 10, 2020 · How to transparently handle OAuth2's Client Credentials authorization grant request and subsequent token refresh requests when making service to service requests from a client to a resource server. Configure(a => a. oauth2 token-uri: myidp/token. This means that the function you provide takes a builder as an argument that you then need to use for futher configuration, i. May 31, 2016 · resourceDetails. The OAuth2. This procedure assumes the following configuration: AM is configured as an OAuth 2. js client library for the OAuth 2. (Done by customizing resttemplate). util. OAuth2 Login is a very powerful OAuth2 Client feature that deserves its own section in the reference documentation. For any request, no matter if it invokes resource server or not, If access token is expired my application must refresh it automatically (without any user intervention like any popup or redirection. 0 Playground to use the Client Credentials flow. com" client_id = "your-client-id" client_secret = "your-client-secret" # Create a BackendApplicationClient object OAuth Client properties. The external API is using OAuth 2 security authentication using client_credentials. The app is even doing this in the background, so we have to extract the access token, which otherwise would only be available during the Sep 21, 2023 · requests an Oauth2 token from an authentication server. In OAuth2, grant type is how an application gets the access token. I am trying to implement OAuth2 client_credentials flow in a reactive client application. 0 Client is a Public Client, then configure the OAuth 2. cshtml which is what we want. WebClient integration for Servlet Environments (for requesting protected resources) In addition, RestTemplate will be deprecated in a future version. Jul 21, 2016 · 132. grant_type=client_credentials. See RestTemplate javadoc: Aug 17, 2016 · The following is an example authorization code grant the service would receive. UTF8; webClient. Nov 11, 2019 · As the WebClient from Spring WebFlux is the preferred client for Spring applications, I want to provide an example for the Spring WebClient OAuth2 setup. ResponseSpec), this is just for simplicity to present different approaches. oauth2 Oct 7, 2021 · return WebClient. oauth2Configuration()) . In this tutorial, we are going to prepare a dynamic client registration with the OAuth2. Jun 11, 2017 · It's a default option for Asp. See Access Token Response for details on the parameters to return when generating an access token or responding to errors. ClientRegistrations are loaded automatically from an application. 0 authorization framework. For example, when direct communication between backend systems is required. I have the following configuration below. There also exists a KeyCloakRestTemplate which injects the header automatically. oauth2. One solution uses Spring WebFlux's WebClient together with Spring Security OAuth2 Client abstractions and is complex but highly configurable. Add below dependency to pom. 31</version Jul 16, 2020 · Spring boot 2. Nov 21, 2019 · OAuth 2. Feb 11, 2020 · I need to get access token (grant_type = client_credentials) in the service layer of my spring boot application to talk to other microservice (service to service interaction). properties as: Jul 10, 2020 · I have a Spring Web application that has a oauth2 resource server configured for it's API endpoints and a completely different oauth2 client for REST calls it makes. Components assembly, such as GuidNonceProvider and HmacSha1SigningProvider. Apr 22, 2024 · This gist describes the configuration required for Spring reactive WebClient to make a call to an OAuth2 protected resource through OAuth2. In my application, the relevant parameters are received in the form of a Map<String, String> and not loaded from any application. For<INonceProvider>(). 0 authentication with the password grant type, but I am not sure about how to properly set the username and the password. // Create an HttpClientHandler object and set to use default credentials. I'm using WebClient. — The line below is important for telling the registration name of the oauth2 provider that was registered in the properties file. RELEASE. The flow is working up until step 4. properties file. Encoding = Encoding. Dec 4, 2018 · I am attempting to get a bearer token via a webclient with the following setup for an integration test of a secured resource server in a servlet application. 0 grant types. 0 client is the application that wants to access the user’s account. I want a service to access a secured resource of another service without any user action involved. Feb 14, 2021 · TL;DR: Trying to write a machine-to-machine microservice requiring an OAuth2 token (client_credentials grant type). Visit the Google API Console to obtain OAuth 2. Machine to machine authentication will be done by the Trivago server to access the third party API's to get the hotel data. Inside the Okta dashboard, click on the API tab in the header, then select the Authorization Servers tab. oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient from requests. fc ik wh tg oa xu yn we sy ln