1. However, niddah and menstruation are not totally synonymous. Whatever its reason and origin, this practice of eliding niddah and zavah became the norm in Jewish law and is codified by all the standard medieval halakhic works, including the Shulchan Arukh (Yoreh Deah, 183:1). Jan 18, 2021 · A stronger proof might be from Kesubos 72a, which lists, among infractions of דת משה (Torah law) that are grounds for divorce and forfeiture of the kesubah, משמשתו נדה, she engages in relations with him while niddah. Nov 21, 2016 · See a summary of the Halacha, from Sefer Chinuch 207: ונוהג אסור זה בכל מקום ובכל זמן. Jul 20, 2022 · For this halacha the gemara Niddah 8b says that vestot are only pushed aside after 90 days of pregnancy. Jul 29, 2015 · Regarding the second half of the question; whether bleeding after the initial insertion renders a woman a niddah, R. The uterus, or womb, is shaped roughly like an upside down […] Mar 21, 2021 · Increasingly, educators and yoatzot halacha offer programming on niddah and women’s health-related topics, providing public spaces for raising more personal concerns (in addition to offering one There is debate whether the removal of an IUD will render a woman niddah. A mesuleket damim does not need to keep any vesatot. It is beyond the scope of this Sefer to delve into the laws of Niddah, and laws of Hadracha, relevant to the first night, and IYH a full treatise on the subject will feature in a future volume. Rabbi Yekutiel Farkash. 4 Niddah Before and After the Wedding. Mishmeret Hatahara 195 fnt. The law of niddah is the only law of ritual purity that continues to be observed today. Sara Morozow gives a review of the halachos of Niddah and Hefsek Taharah. Nishmat's Women’s Health and Halacha In memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham May 29, 2022 · Avreichim are tested repeatedly on over 900 daf gemara, receive shimush and guidance in darchei psak, pass the written and Oral Semicha examinations in Issur V’Heter, Hilchos Shabbos, and Hilchos Niddah, and they take private smicha examinations from the most prestigious poskim and batei din in Eretz Yisroel. Feb 15, 2016 · She has a chuppas niddah. ) When a wedding date is changed, a kallah who is using hormones to avoid a chuppat niddah should discuss adjusting her pill schedule with her healthcare provider and kallah teacher. niddah period lasts for seven complete days. According to Maimonides in Sefer Hamitzvot, “whoever touches a woman in niddah with affection or desire, even if the act falls short of intercourse, violates a negative Torah commandment” (Lev. White undergarments are required during the seven clean days. * OCD affects roughly 1-3% of the population. ועובר עליה ושכב את הנדה במזיד, מכיון שהערה בה חיב כרת, בשוגג מביא חטאת קבועה. Yoatzot Halacha answer questions in the community, through this website and over a telephone hotline . Dec 13, 2023 · Thank you for reaching out to us. asked Mar 11, 2015 at 22:13. The Niddah Status; Sensation of Menses (Hargashah) Stains (Ketamim) The Nishmat Women's Health and Halacha Site is a public service of Nishmat Our sages displayed great wisdom in instituting the harchakot. At one time, a large portion of Jewish law revolved around questions of ritual purity and impurity. Updated June 2020. A similar status (yoledet) is attained with childbirth. Collectively, these proscriptions are often referred to as harchakot. Avoiding Chuppat Niddah. The Laws Of Niddah by Rabbi Binyomin Forst 1-800-MESORAH - 1-800-637-6724. 5 Pregnancy and Giving Birth. However, kissing and hugging short of relations is a Torah prohibition when niddah, according to many opinions. user3342 user3342. *Note: Stains on garments are judged according to the leniency that applies to stains on a garment versus a bedikah, not because color is different on a garment. A couple can often take halachic precautions to avoid niddah right after relations, as well as the issue of ro’ah machamat tashmish. Some very specific colors are except, but it needs training to discern them. Yet Oct 29, 2019 · The Pitchei Teshuva YD 195:19 cites the Chamudei Daniel as saying that a niddah shouldn't go to a cemetery to daven. The niddah state lasts for seven days after the birth of a boy and fourteen days after the birth of a girl From the time a woman becomes a niddah, her husband may not see the parts of her body that are normally covered. Tosfot Yevamot 47b s. So too, blood resulting from scraping the uterus, especially given that you have had a year without bleeding. We will try to send an answer to your email address within 3 days (excluding Shabbat and Yom Tov). The Nishmat Women's Health and Halacha Site is a public service of Nishmat, The Jeanie Schottenstein Other niddah questions – like halachic questions about Shabbat, kashrut, and so on – can be asked in person, over the phone, by email, Whatsapp or Messenger, and so on. This might include: 1) a description of what is seen on a physical examination 2) a description of the medical procedure that has been or will be performed 3) the […] duplicate accordion The Basic Laws of Taharat Hamishpacha (Family Purity) A woman enters the halachic status of niddah when she experiences uterine bleeding not due to abrasions, lacerations or other forms of trauma (makah). The rabbis taught that there are two conditions that must be met in order to render a woman either a niddah or zavah. Therefore, in order to confirm that all uterine bleeding has ceased, she must do an initial internal examination, or bedikah. Even if some accident caused it to occur, if it's uterine blood, she becomes a niddah until she counts seven clean days (i. During a woman’s period, any ritual objects she touches becomes impure, and those she comes into contact with The harchakot can present a particular challenge in cases of significant illness, injury, or disability. First, the blood that the woman sees must emanate from the uterus. 4,610 5 5 silver badges 36 36 bronze badges. Please see the material below from the website of South Hampstead Synagogue, an orthodox synagogue (United Synagogue) in London NW3, UK: Rebbetzen Lauren serves as the Yoetzet Halacha for South Hampstead SHul. A menopausal woman is halachically considered mesuleket damim (a woman who no longer sees blood). A halachic address for women worldwide. 2 p. Learning how to avoid unnecessary time in niddah—such as by reviewing the laws of stains and asking halachic questions—can help women in this phase of the life cycle. Once he has handed her the ring, they are married […] The main drawback to IUD use by women who keep the laws of niddah is that this method is likely to cause extra bleeding. Details here . Women attest to Dec 11, 2023 · Is it normal and acceptable according to halacha that the husband inevitably becomes unclean by coming in contact with his wife during niddah period? Or it is very shameful and considered abhorrent, sinful to do so? Is it shameful, disgraceful, sinful for the husband if he comes in contact with the niddah wife/ new-mother. Like any library, Mi Yodeya offers tons of great information, but does not offer personalized, professional advice, and does Oct 4, 2023 · halacha; niddah; Share. Therefore, the halacha specifies certain activities that need to be modified or avoided during niddah. Separating Beds Therefore, most couples have two beds that can be brought together when relations are permitted and separated when they are not. In most cases, questions revolve around whether discharge found on toilet paper can be assessed based on the leniencies of stains (see here for an extensive discussion of these halachot). […] Getting Information from a Doctor The role of the physician in hilchot niddah is to give his or her best medical opinion related to the halachic question. The Laws and Concepts of Niddah (RIETS Practical Halakhah Series). 4 They May 29, 2022 · I became a niddah about two months ago during a difficult emotional time. Nishmat's Women’s Health and Halacha In memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham May 23, 2022 · Niddah thus becomes part of the rhythm of their relationship. Ish v'Ishah. He should, however, be careful not to touch her. Dec 27, 2022 · Uterine dilation, even without bleeding, renders a woman niddah. $10. The question that remains is whether any bleeding that results over the next few days can be ascribed to […] Maimonides and Nahmanides, in a well-known rabbinic debate, consider how serious an infraction it is to touch a woman who is a niddah. 18:6,30). Jul 24, 2022 · Becoming Niddah. The other option to consider is perhaps the blood is coming for a vaginal/cervical wound which will not render you a niddah at all. Ein Tzurim: Yeshivat . halacha; niddah; arayot; martyr. separations) are supplementary Rabbinic restrictions intended to prevent a couple from excessive intimacy which could lead them to biblically forbidden conduct during the niddah period. Feb 6, 2023 · Becoming Niddah. For example, does the groom put the ring onto the bride's finger? There are varying A flow or stain makes a woman niddah or invalidates the clean days only if its color is one of those that halacha stipulates as niddah colors. Even with the best of planning, however, a chuppat niddah may be unavoidable. It is permitted for the chatan to complete the first biyah even if blood comes out beforehand. We follow the position that uterine dilation through insertion of an instrument less than 19mm in diameter does not make a woman niddah, so a standard IUD insertion or removal does not cause niddah. Add to Bag Imrei Yosher - Niddah / Terumos Umasros. If, when doing […] 153:1 A woman is rendered a niddah by even the smallest drop of uterine blood, whether it's the usual time for her period or not. In the days of the Amoraim, because of possible confusion in determining when menstruation began and ended and hence whether blood was normal menstrual (niddah) or abnormal (zavah) blood, it became the accepted practice and practical halacha, that all women treat any emission as a continued abnormal flow (zavah gedolah—זבה A woman in niddah who wishes to return to a state of taharah (ritual purity) must confirm that bleeding has not recurred during the following seven days. A man may also experience OCD related to taharat hamishpacha (for example, repeated doubts about […] Breastfeeding is endorsed by major health organizations as the optimal form of infant nutrition. R' Ovadya Yosef wrote in Taharat HaBayit 3:7 that if a woman does not have a veset kavua, the couple are required to perform a series of three checks before and after intercourse to create a chazakah (halachic presumption) that intercourse does not cause her to become niddah. ובן הנדה אינו נקרא ממזר אלא ולד פגום. These may include: Yom Hachodesh (the day of the month) The Haflagah (the interval between periods) Onah Beinonit (the thirtieth day) Veset Kavua (a regular period established over at least three cycles) Veset Haguf (specific physical symptoms) Keeping a Calendar Vesatot are based on the Hebrew calendar, […] Oct 24, 2018 · halacha; medicine; niddah. The niddah status can also result from cervical dilatation during certain medical procedures. The Torah obligates the zavah to count seven clean days prior to becoming tehorah. v. Login. We appreciate that keeping the laws of niddah postpartum can be especially challenging. 3 How a Woman Becomes Pure. The following is a brief verbal description of female reproductive anatomy. The main ones are avoiding physical contact between spouses and sleeping in separate beds while a woman is niddah. (See more about scheduling the wedding here . S. There's a big machloket in the Rishonim about the reason why we have this exception to the general rule that blood from a wound is not niddah blood. Jerusalem, 1998. Jan 31, 2024 · The fundamental halacha is that blood from a wound does not render a woman niddah even if it comes from inside the uterus or inner cervix. It does not matter how much or how little blood has come out, by Torah law even the smallest amount of uterine bleeding will make a woman niddah. Familiarity with basic biological concepts is important for understanding these laws. The halacha itself, and our authority to change the halacha (or lack thereof) is part of a wider Apr 13, 2015 · halacha; niddah; evening-night; cemetery-grave. 99 During niddah, the couple may not sleep on the same bed – even if they are clothed, use different blankets, and do not touch. The curriculum includes limud b A woman who delivers a child vaginally, whether living or stillborn, or who suffers a miscarriage after the 40th day from conception, enters the status of yoledet as well as that of niddah. The second category, zavah, refers to a woman who sees blood in the eleven days between two niddah periods. A woman who becomes niddah as a result of implantation bleeding waits the five days and then counts seven clean days. Before beginning, […] Nov 3, 2021 · ↑ Chemdas Moshe 58, Sh"t Yabia Omer YD 4:15, Taharat Habayit v. Yoatzot Halacha Fellows Program (YH-US) in September 2011, through Nishmat’s Miriam Glaubach Center. Follow edited Mar 12, 2015 at 0:34. But additional prohibitions ( harchakot ) beyond negiya shel chibuk v'nishuk , such as passing food, sitting on a moving object that one person In some cases, a wedding during niddah (chuppat niddah) may be the best option. Therefore, the best time to have the IUD removed is after you have been to mikveh. 163, Rabbi Mordechai Willig (Niddah Shiur 126 (min. The Niddah Status All health and health-related information contained within Nishmat's Women's Health & Halacha Web site is intended to be Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky. According to Torah law, a woman does not become niddah unless a bodily sensation, or hargashah, immediately precedes the onset of uterine bleeding. A pregnant woman, a nursing woman, and a woman physically incapable of conceiving are all afforded the same protection by the Torah as the woman whose potential to conceive is at a maximum. Jewish law forbids sexual relations while a woman is a niddah and until she then immerses in the mikveh, or Jewish ritual bath, and the rabbis prescribe a number of additional regulations. 09/04/2017 hefsek tahara, mikva, nidah; Question: If my wife had seven days without her period, and she went to the mikva without checking with a IVF procedures do not in themselves make a woman niddah: egg removal does not involve the uterus; embryo transfer is consistently performed with a small instrument Nishmat's Women’s Health and Halacha In memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham Biat Mitzvah – The First Act of Intercourse. 24 It is therefore improper for a husband to watch the actual birth of his child. The Niddah Status All health and health-related information contained within Nishmat's Women's Health & Halacha Web site is intended to be Certain gynecological procedures may render a woman niddah: Bleeding during or after a procedure that cannot be attributed to non-uterine causes or to trauma from the procedure makes a woman niddah. However, already in Talmudic Many interactions between married couples have possibly or inherently romantic overtones that can lead to desire for intimacy. Jewish law (halacha) prohibits all physical contact (not only intercourse), and proscribes certain other behaviors, between a married couple while the wife has the status of niddah. If a woman can identify a non-uterine source for the blood found, the woman is not niddah. e. Improve this question. 1 His assessment of that includes his citing the Chok Yaakov (OC 479:6), Yosef Ometz (603) and Otzer Haposkim in the the name of other poskim who forbid listening to a woman singing Zemiros on Shabbos, as well as the Shevet Halevi (Shu"t 5:197:4 and Shiurim 6:2 "Vegam B'Zmiros") who applies such a prohibition even when there are other people singing along (see also Suga Bashoshanim 16:6-7 and Whether IUD insertion itself renders a woman niddah is subject to halachic debate. On Tisha B’av during the day, there is leniency with the […] Becoming Niddah. Breastfeeding can also postpone the return of menstruation after childbirth, and has a degree of contraceptive effect. It is quite common for a pregnant woman to experience uterine bleeding - this blood generally does not pose any danger to the pregnancy, but it can render the woman a niddah. Vestos Behalacha. There are some questions that arise in this situation. 30-35) concludes that a woman is only tameh if she sees blood, the doctors say that she's giving birth and tell her to push (equivalent to sitting on the In general, a niddah should not postpone immersion. Follow asked Oct 4, 2023 at 18:08. May 25, 2024 · According to Torah law, bleeding only makes a woman niddah when it is uterine, one of a specific set of colors, and accompanied by an internal physical sensation called a hargashah. However, with both implantation and menstrual bleeding, there is a distinction between […] By Nomi Englard Schaffer, Yoetzet Halacha The status of stains found on disposable feminine hygiene pads (sanitary napkins, panty liners) is complex and depends on many factors (not all of which are discussed here). (Following the vaginal delivery of a girl, a woman may not immerse until fourteen days have elapsed since the birth. Like any library, Mi Yodeya offers tons of great information, but does not offer personalized, professional Jul 25, 2004 · a) A man is not allowed to hand anything to his wife while she is niddah. In addition, we will include psychological considerations and women’s health issues into our learning. Before and after a procedure, a woman should ask as many halachic questions as necessary, ideally to a halachic authority with a good understanding of the A clear, practical and detailed presentation of the laws of niddah, according to both Sephardic and Ashkenazic customs. If a mesuleket damim experiences uterine bleeding, she is niddah, and is obligated in all the laws of niddah like any other woman. Hilchos Niddah 31-Ohr HaTorah Efrayim and Rivka Hershkowitz z”l Halacha Shiur Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky Date: Jul 7, 2024 Apr 10, 2024 · However, the other rishonim offer different derivations for this halacha. Some opinions are eventually accepted while others are rejected, and there are sometimes local differences regarding accepted practice. Not that my husband and I were fighting, but we just really needed each other's support. Like any library, Mi Yodeya offers tons of great information, but does not offer Dec 10, 2020 · This article is an excerpt from our Sefer. The Rebbe’s Call to Learn Halacha Various questions in Halachah often arise in the home and one cannot run to the Rav every five minutes, hence, there must be a Rav in the home. 766 pages (2 volumes). This project and others like it are made possible by contributions from people like you. 2 When a Woman is a Niddah. Login; Manage Account; Wish List For further questions or comments: The Nishmat Women's Health and Halacha Site is a public service of Nishmat, The Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women. Jerusalem: Koren, 2010. Nishmat's Golda Koschitzky Center for Yoatzot Halacha: Where Women's Wellness and Halacha Meet. Consider these two scenarios: halacha; minhag; marriage; niddah; Share. FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS OVER $49 in the USA. Different reasons can be given for Torah commandments, and […] Jun 21, 2024 · Questions concerning niddah can be determined by a Yoetzet Halacha. […] Jan 14, 2024 · It seems that there are only blogs and advice on what NOT to do during niddah. Uterine bleeding from the withdrawal of hormones (such Apr 20, 2023 · Harchakot (Hebrew: הרחקות, tran. A procedure that involves a significant opening of the uterus may make a woman niddah even if no bleeding is detected. [1] Yoatzot Halacha Medical treatment of any sort requires supervision by a physician. $14. The Mishna Brurah 88:7 writes that a niddah shouldn't go to a cemetery. A couple in these circumstances should remember that marriage is meant to last forever, and a few A laparoscopic procedure such as you describe does not usually make a woman niddah after she has stopped menstruating. In that case, the bleeding that results can be attributed to trauma from the procedure (dam […] A woman anticipates her menses on certain days based on her previous menstrual pattern. $23. In addition to the laws of niddah, the Torah details the laws of the woman with uterine bleeding outside of her expected time of menstruation. Irregular bleeding can cancel out the blood-free […] Mar 18, 2024 · There are five stages in the process of a woman becoming purified from her Niddah (impure) status during which she is prohibited to her husband. Niddah in the postpartum period with Yoetzet Halacha Fay Gersten. In scheduling a procedure, it is important to take into account the possibility that it could cause niddah or make it difficult to count the clean days, to minimize extra time in niddah. Yes, we have machloksim all over the place, in every area of Halacha. Like any library, Mi Yodeya offers tons of great information, but does not offer personalized, professional Jan 22, 2024 · Some of the most common niddah questions arise when a woman finds blood on toilet paper. Nishmat's Women’s Health and Halacha In memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham I've learned a lot of Halacha and I find this Halacha to be extremely perplexing. Taharah K'halacha. Shiurei Shevet Halevi 195 writes that a niddah shouldn't go to the cemetery because of a concern of mystical reason of tumah. (Talmud Niddah, 73A). 167, Taharat Yosef 3:40, Umekarev Biyamin vol. Partially adapted from work in Hebrew by Yoetzet Halacha Sarit-Chen Krotaryo, BSW. Although the Hebrew […] (Note: All sources were found and learned through the Sefer Mareh Kohen on Hilchos Niddah) Eating together, per the Rosh, is something that engenders closeness between the couple, and during the days of Niddah, certain actions are prohibited in order to limit the closeness between the couple. Discharge that has no trace of red or pink (e. 3. Therefore it must be encouraged that it is highly proper for everyone who wishes to build an everlasting home (and so too married men after their wedding) should Dec 10, 2020 · Hannah Wegner Tam’s article on niddah, The halacha itself 2. These beds should not touch when the couple […] Dec 14, 2021 · When the niddah-colored bleeding comes to an end, a woman can undertake the process of becoming tehorah. Dec 16, 2020 · During niddah, husband and wife may not serve each other in three ways which show special affection: pouring wine or other alcoholic drinks, making the spouse's bed, and drawing his or her bath. According to current universal custom, after observing a disqualifying stain, a niddah must observe 7 clean days before immersion, whereas a tehorah must wait at least 5 days before observing 7 clean days. Based on these opinions in the gemara, Rabbi Willig (Niddah Shiur 120 min. 46-8)). So we generally advise wearing colored undergarments when a woman is not in niddah. These measures are designed to maximize the chances that blood found after relations will be halachically considered a stain that does not make a woman niddah. Baruch Hashem, you were able to stop yourselves in time. The Niddah Status All health and health-related information contained within Nishmat's Women's Health & Halacha Web site is intended to be Mrs. A caregiving spouse […] Only uterine blood can make a woman niddah or have the halachot of a ketem. 5. 207 quotes Rav Elyashiv as being lenient according to the strict halacha unless she is singing for him. The purpose of this article is to explain the underlying issues. To meet international demand for Yoatzot Halacha, American Friends of Nishmat inaugurated the U. Available here. Feb 8, 2024 · Implantation bleeding is uterine in origin and does not result from a wound, and may render a woman niddah just like menstrual bleeding. . In today's hectic world Le terme niddah, tel qu’il est défini dans la Torah, fait référence à la menstruation. However, This situation is very unique- all orthodox jews hold that passing while niddah is strictly prohibited, under all circumstances, while we have yet to find anyone before Rashi's time Aug 25, 2023 · The halacha is that every virgin whether or not she is bat mitzvah and whether or not she had her period yet, after the first biyah she is a niddah. We follow the view that a woman should observe this stringency specifically if she had a sub-total hysterectomy performed vaginally (with or Aug 6, 2023 · For further questions or comments: The Nishmat Women's Health and Halacha Site is a public service of Nishmat, The Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women. Jul 19, 2020 · The halacha is that husband and wife not sleep in the same bed during niddah. Now, someone very knowledgeable has told me that this prohibition is not so; that the rules against touching not-one's-wife are only -- ok, "only" -- from the idea that one thing could lead to May 16, 2024 · halacha; marriage; niddah; yoreh-deah; swimming. Therefore, if she becomes niddah from a stain on clothing or a bedikah cloth, or from a medical procedure, the day she becomes niddah is day one of the five day minimum. Rabbi Elyashiv Knohl. I'm looking for ideas on what I CAN do during this time. Becoming Niddah. 49. Mar 13, 2024 · A bedikah (plural bedikot) is a self-performed internal examination of the vaginal canal done with a cloth. Our site's position is that the procedure is generally carried out with a very small instrument and does not render a woman niddah. Buy Now! Appendix 3: Beilas Mitzvah-The night of the wedding. La Torah décrit par ailleurs d’autres situations similaires, comme par exemple celui du flux ressemblant aux règles mais survenant à un moment inattendu du cycle mensuel ou bien s’étendant sur une période de plus de sept jours (zavah), et également le cas de l’accouchée (yoledet). Because it is beneficial to health, breastfeeding is halachically recommended. 627 pages. According to the Torah, a man is forbidden from having sexual intercourse with a niddah, that is, a menstruating woman. In the days of the Amoraim, because of possible confusion in determining when menstruation began and ended and hence whether blood was normal menstrual (niddah) or abnormal (zavah) blood, it became the accepted practice and practical halacha, that all women treat any emission as a continued abnormal flow (zavah gedolah—זבה גדולה In this in-depth course with Rabbanit Fran Miller, we will study all aspects of the Laws of Niddah from the sources, tracing the development of the Halacha from the time of the Torah through today, including practical questions of our time. The position of the posek of our website is that you would not become niddah. For further questions or comments: The Nishmat Women's Health and Halacha Site is a public service of Nishmat, The Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women. Halacha is a dynamic process in which rabbinic rulings are debated. Yoatzot Halacha can assist with presenting halachic issues to health-care professionals and with helping women ensure they are reaching mikveh as soon as possible. Apr 18, 2018 · The Return of the Niddah and Zavah Distinction in Modern Times. Some women experience OCD in a range of contexts, while others experience it only with respect to taharat hamishpacha. Mar 22, 2018 · A women does not remove her Niddah impurity through washing in a bathhouse, even if all the waters in the world washed over her, she remains in her impurity and one is liable to Karet for [intercourse with] her, until she dips her entire body in a Mikvah or Maayan that has 40 s'ah volume [of water]. In some cases, a physician may be able to state with confidence that the procedure did not open or widen the internal os to 19 mm or more. The most common cause of this status is menstruation. Opinions vary as to the degree […] Dec 28, 2015 · Nowadays a woman becomes a Niddah during childbirth, as we pasken (or: have taken upon as a Halacha) that most vaginal discharges cause Niddah. It does refer to the first act of intercourse as beilat mitzvah, “the (or “a”) mitzvah intercourse” in a discussion of hymenal bleeding (Mishnah Niddah 10:1), and when a couple is permitted to have sex on the wedding night before the burial of a parent Jan 13, 2019 · Contents. A woman becomes niddah when blood leaves her uterus through the cervix. Please see here for a discussion of practical halacha. This is usually understood as requiring separate bed frames. , passing objects directly, serving food, pushing a wheelchair, or putting on shoes). Thus, stripping generally makes a woman niddah, even if she is somewhat dilated to begin with, because the procedure further opens the internal os (internal opening of the cervix into the uterus). If a woman does not have a clean pair of white underwear, she can wear stain-free underpants of a different […] The period of niddah is a time, usually lasting twelve days to fourteen days, when Jewish law forbids conjugal relations. Blood that originated from the outside of the cervix or from the vaginal canal does not render a woman niddah. The Niddah Status; Sensation of Menses (Hargashah) Stains (Ketamim) The Nishmat Women's Health and Halacha Site is a public service of Nishmat The following comment is made in the wikipedia entry on Niddah:. Dec 2, 2015 · Perhaps yoatzot halacha are a better “mousetrap” than the drop-box system. Rav Yehudai Goan explained that the Niddah's tevilah is learned as a fortiori from the fact that the utensils she touches need tevilah. The couple is not allowed to share the same bed even if they do not touch (Orach Chaim 554:1, 8). 99. The Niddah Status All health and health-related information contained within Nishmat's Women's Health & Halacha Web site is intended to be Yoatzot Halacha Fertility Counselors offer personal consultations to women and couples who seek halachic guidance throughout the fertility journey. A few factors arise in translating this halacha into practice: The beds should look separate when the couple sleeps. 25 In fact, the Rebbe felt that for this Jan 31, 2024 · Among those who maintain that the procedure does not cause niddah status, some nevertheless rule that a woman should conduct herself as though she is in niddah and immerse afterwards as a stringency. The five day minimum also begins from the point in time at which a couple acts as if niddah has begun (including observing the harchakot ) out of doubt concerning niddah status. Even if she doesn’t see any blood she is tameh as a niddah. 1 pg. bemayim discusses the source for the halacha that a Niddah needs to go to a mikveh in order to be tahora. Nishmat's Women’s Health and HalachaIn memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham. The source of this exception from dam makkah is a mishna on Niddah 64b, and the gemara on Niddah 65b. , clear, white, yellow, or green) does not make a woman niddah. Eliyahu Abargel is lenient (to assume the blood is not menstrual) in a case where a woman has a vesset kavua; a set cycle, (the case he happens to be discussing), and the bleeding is not at the time of her vesset. Some authorities may nevertheless be stringent regarding bleeding from the uterus, even if a clear source of injury is seen. The halacha, for example, protects a woman’s right to sexual satisfaction in situations where pregnancy is clearly not an objective or a possible outcome. Many halachic authorities permit the groom to give the ring to the bride in the normal fashion, because at this point in the ceremony they are not yet married. Biblically a woman becomes niddah only if the discharge was one of four colors of red or black. Heavy menses result in additional days of staining before a woman can do a hefsek taharah. Yoatzot halacha do more than answer halachic queries; they often provide emotional support as well. Add to Bag. When one spouse needs to give care to the other, the couple can be lenient with harchakot that do not involve direct physical contact (e. Standard procedure with a c-section is to open the mucus plug to allow exit of the blood through the cervix and vagina. Towards the late 40’s and early 50’s, intervals between periods get longer and are often irregular, a further sign of approaching menopause. It also has multiple health benefits for both mother and infant. Sep 4, 2017 · Halacha of niddah. Kirk Kirk. Therefore, variations exist between the US and Israel, and even between different communities within the same country. Halakhic practice for Niddah, or female purity, is based on a harmonistic reading of Leviticus 12,15, 18, and 20. Like any library, Mi Yodeya offers tons of great information, but does not offer A woman undergoing a planned cesarean section is considered a niddah from when she begins to bleed vaginally. Nishmat's Women’s Health and Halacha In memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham For further questions or comments: The Nishmat Women's Health and Halacha Site is a public service of Nishmat, The Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women. May 9, 2017 · halacha; wedding; niddah; jewelry. Niddah begins with the onset of menstruation and is completed with the woman’s immersion in a mikvah, a ritual pool of water. Presentation of the complex sugyot of the laws of niddah, beginning with the relevant Talmudic sources, the rishonim and achronim, through the practical applications and contemporary issues. Even shulchan The halachic concepts involved in the laws of niddah are directly related to female reproductive anatomy. The Niddah Status All health and health-related information contained within Nishmat's Women's Health & Halacha Web site is intended to be Jan 13, 2021 · For further questions or comments: The Nishmat Women's Health and Halacha Site is a public service of Nishmat, The Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women. Therefore, unless bleeding persists beyond the expected window described by your physician (in which case please contact us), you […] Aug 14, 2024 · The Sidrei Tahara 194:25 applies these opinions to the laws of niddah and from any of these points she is a niddah. The Talmud nowhere states that the couple must have intercourse on the wedding night. A couple can try to avoid a chuppat niddah through careful scheduling or with the help of hormonal treatments (see Setting the Wedding Date). , without bleeding) and immerses in a mikvah. These stages include: (1) waiting 4 or 5 days, (2) performing a Hefsek Tahara, (3) counting the Shiva Nekiyim and checking during those days, (4) preparing for the mikveh, and (5) going to the mikveh. It was a dispute among the Rishonim as to what extent chuppas niddah is effective, but common practice is that they go ahead with the wedding as normal (Shach Yoreh De'ah 192:8). The Niddah Status All health and health-related information contained within Nishmat's Women's Health & Halacha Web site is intended to be Hilchos Niddah 31-Ohr HaTorah Efrayim and Rivka Hershkowitz z”l Halacha Shiur Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky Date: Jul 7, 2024 Jul 24, 2017 · I had thought that the idea that a Jewish man may not touch a niddah, any niddah, except for perhaps his first-degree relatives, was basic information. Such a woman is called a zavah, and observes laws comparable to those of a niddah (see Definition of Niddah). R' Ovadya explicitly states that external […] Daily Halacha email and Halacha Archives with pratical, easy to understand Halachos for Orthodox Jews everywhere. Halachic authorities differ regarding the degree of dilation required. A woman becomes niddah from the moment that blood exits the uterus and enters the vaginal canal, even before it leaves her body. Taken from the Bible, the term niddah was transformed into a metaphorical expression for sin and impurity in general. As to the particular question of rupture of the amniotic membranes Touching is prohibited on Yom Kippur (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 615:1) and on Tisha B’Av (Mishnah Berurah 37), just as if the wife were niddah. Nishmat's Women’s Health and Halacha In memory of Chaya Mirel bat R' Avraham A stain without hargashah on a colored surface does not render a woman niddah. Rabbinic law expands these definitions, as we’ll see below. Click here for a diagram; click here for a side view. We welcome questions about hilchot niddah (the laws of family purity) and related areas of halacha (Jewish law), as well as questions about the interface between women’s health and halacha. Machon Aleh Zayis. g. 1 How a Woman Becomes a Niddah. So you will be considered niddah from right after the birth of the baby. Halacha Venimuka Hilchos Niddah. A clear and comprehensive presentation of the laws of niddah with extensive footnotes. Sexual conversations, a husband sitting on his wife's bed, and all forms of touching are prohibited during niddah for good reason. The Rashba ( Torat Habayit 12b ) cites a dispute between the Raavad and Baal Hameor if vestot are only pushed aside if she doesn't see blood for 90 days after 90 days of pregnancy. The way the halacha is taught. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed at times. This can either be heavier menses or irregular bleeding. Some women find it helpful to reframe the harchakot between husband and wife as creating a sort of bubble around mother and baby, allowing the mother to focus her physical energies on her baby and on her healing from childbirth. A woman performs bedikot as part of the process of exiting niddah, and on onot perishah (days when she is halachically required to anticipate her period). [17] Note Although the halacha refers to abstaining from relations during that period, many people are stringent (machmir) to also abstain from intimate affectionate contact (negiya shel chibuk v'nishuk). zuhz xuoiru zeyzo uuok aqxspi ssuj vkwbsvmm seid mbqrk fcckax