Worm fanfiction taylor x dennis. I think Taylor dates Tecton in Hope Comes to Brockton Bay.

She whispered it into Taylor's ear when she was a child, lulling her to sleep, concluding their nightly ritual of reading pages from Lustrum's prison journal together. El-Ahrairah features a Taylor with a thinker/trump power who is recruited by Cauldron. As u/Optimizing_apps said, Taylor Has a Strange Hobby is the best ever. I think the Deputy series is Taylor/Carlos but I'm not sure. Worm Tails By: awezomeuwuzero. Seven Taylor Heberts all come to meet in one fic. I've read Striker!Taylor fics, a lot of Trump!Taylor, Brute!Taylor, Mover, Thinker, etc. And Taylor was a dragon, so she'd know. This story will update twice a month, usually. Memories of Iron seemed like it was going to be Taylor/Chris but the author died. The redhead, or Dennis, shrugged, still grinning. Victoria Dallon, woke after saving her sister at the Bank from the Undersiders. In Pay It Forward, Taylor tries to be an unpowered hero, but Sophia won't let her, so Taylor blows up—violently. Rebecca can still feel the spiders weaving webs in her lungs. Taylor ends up with the Undersiders. Featuring an Alt!Power set reminiscent of Pride of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood fame, a Tinker partner specializing in light energy weapons, and a city filled with villains to traumatize Taylor watched with approval as her two students faced each other. Vicky/Taylor Tactical Healer Girlfriend : Taylor and Amy meet online and start dating Early Morning Company : "This is just coffee," Lisa says on their seventh coffee date. It's an altpower taylor fic where taylor is a tinker and creates the sentinels from x-men. "Taylor got her height and eyes from me, and everything good from her mother," he laughed. In Taking the Stage, Taylor becomes a villain to makes Shadow Stalker's life miserable. If anyone wants to adopt a story from this archive, just PM me. " "She likes beef jerky, not souls, Dennis," Missy sighed. The Endbringer she once became. Overwhelming power isn't a solution to all of your problems. Crabs are all you need : Taylor doesn't like bugs and crabs are very cool. Guardian, a Worm/Destiny Crossover Chapter 1: Taylor Hebert, This Is Your Life This was not where it was supposed to be. "Or some warrior demoness from hell here to find souls to snack on. Looking for a specific fic in which Taylor and one other person get reborn post-GM in a different setting, to the tune of DnD, and Taylor becomes a Bard (as well as a God Killer, for having killed a god). Word of warning, like any fanfiction Ring-Maker isn't perfect, by any means. That others may tinker is Taylor/Dennis To Fill the Void is a canon divergence in which Taylor got pregnant after Brian. THE TECHNO QUEEN and Half-light are Taylor/Dennis. There was a word for what she was feeling, but she didn't care enough to look it up. I really hate that smile. Things can only escalate from here. "She offered VisV also has Scorched Earth A Worm/Fallout Crossover. That sounds really safe. "You are unbelievable. Dennis see's the Golden Light destroying the world. Taylor triggers as a Star Wars tinker, ranging from said Mandalorian tech all the way to Star Destroyers. Updates about once a year. Most Lisa x Taylor is relegated to small snips on, uh, adult oriented sites. " Mr. Edit: Since the Linking bot didn't link to the fic, here it is. Respun seems headed this way. " Rose and Zoe Hebert had a fairly public trigger event (Winslow became covered in a cloud of insects the moment the twins triggered), and Miss Militia happened to be investigating the whereabouts of the dangerous vigilante "Shadow Stalker", so the new Case 70 gets transferred to the Rig almost immediately, and Danny signs them up Taylor from Gambit could fit. All three of these focus on Taylor joining the PRT, Deputy is a fanfic of a fanfic namely Internship while Emissary is a crossover fanfiction between Deputy and Canon. " He smiled at her. Worm: More then meets the eye is a Worm/Transformers cross where Taylor has a shard of Primus and is building towards and Amy/Taylor relationship but isn't there yet. Vista can't be Cloak, Vista has a tail and Cloak doesn't. Exponential Growth Taylor has Sliver power from MTG and eventually gets all the powers. A lesson that Taylor is going to learn all too well. "Good throw, Lisa. 61 votes, 33 comments. " Twinnings SB and SV has a Taylor x Brian relationship. Chapter Text. Other good Armsmaster that dont fit you request: The Little ship that could is an excellent Ship girl Taylor fic. Copacetic is a post-GM fic. ) The fic is really intense and one of the best Worm stories I've seen at using an overpowered powerset to create suspense rather than just jerking off to it. Jan 31, 2011 · Taylor has a bad day that ends in a locker. Taylor Hebert never escaped the locker but it doesn't mean that her Tale was over, it just now was not the first Tale she had lived through. This is an official community maintained by the developers. Apart from those, that I know of, there's also The Huntress and the Hound (an AU with Wards Rachel), Wounds Not Quite so Deep (modern AU, with Lisa also thrown into the mix), and I would still see you, (another modern AU,which Taylor finished changing out of her costume, and the two girls started heading towards the Undersider's base. Various Dresden fics are quite fun, with varrying levels of AU elements. She remembers Khepri. In one timeline. The stars were where they should Taylor continued, getting a laugh from her companion, who took the compliment for what it was. Aug 21, 2017 · Thinking, Assault's eyes suddenly widened. It also reminds me of Worm proper, in that winning always, always comes with a price. Vicky/Lisa "I'm telling you, Cloak is Vista!" Dennis insisted. " Dennis countered and Chris shook his head. " "She looked a lot like Taylor, your wife," Lisa commented, inspecting the photo with interest. Jun 5, 2019 · Taylor Hebert triggers, but this time, amongst the insults, one of the things that cropped up the most in the insults given to her was 'snake-like'. Taylor Taylor remembers. "Taylor, glad you came. However, since the Star Wars franchise don't exist in this universe, she considers herself "Galactic Warfare" tinker. I slipped my backpack gently down onto the floor between my feet. Unlike what Taylor had hoped though. Taylor's shard pinged off of Shadow Stalker and the Undersiders' shards turning Taylor into something…. El-Ahrairah has an aborted Dennis ship. It's really cute despite the fact that Taylor is a complete psychopath. From what I get of it, Taylor's life diverged a bit before Emma's incident in the alley, and that resulted in among other things, the bullying going differently (and less cruelly in some ways) and taylor triggering way earlier. "They're both short and twist dimensions, what more do you need?" Chris sighed. He looked Hispanic and was quite handsome, Taylor thought as she kept them in view in the corner of her eye. Do note, an understanding of Worm is needed to enjoy this fanfic as spoilers for the entirety of Worm feature throughout. Unfortunately, with Taylor flitting around like a giant fly, hitting her was almost as hard as getting one of those irritating things! In the meanwhile, Taylor had been blasting at her with that insect breath attack whenever she got close enough, which forced the Fire Mage to blast them with what few of her low-level spells she had left. All we know for sure is that Taylor is going to be the best bad guy she can be, and that she is very powerful. There's Archer which gives Taylor everyone's favorite Servant to overuse EMIYA as ahead buddy. The only reason Taylor survived was because she was (unknown to Vicky) an artificial Brute via Bonesaw upgrades, and because Amy was her friend and right there when it happened. On the bright side, Worm is freely available, just search 'parahumans' and 'Worm' and go to the wordpress site that pops up. "It seemed appropriate," her friend grinned. I put the question aside as I made my way over to their booth and slid into the corner seat opposite Dennis and next to a young girl. True, Worm isn’t really all that well-known, but I think the nature of the work as a webnovel means that the people who do enjoy it are more likely to write fanfic, plus the fandom culture (esp. Amy shook her head, matching it. Hi hello, I'm currently writing one of those! The scars you're made from, in an AU where Rachel has ended up fostered with the Heberts. Taylor is a race car! Hooked on a Feeling - Taylor is Starlord, nuff said. He handed Dennis an envelope with a little heart stamp attached to it. "I'll let everyone introduce themselves. In it, every time Taylor dies she is resurrected with a little bit of energy that she can use for super strength. Ah, a fellow patron of the arts. There aren't many of what you're looking for, unfortunately. Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 5 - Words: 5,182 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 380 - Follows: 512 - Updated: 9/25/2019 - Published: 6/5/2019 - id: 13304422 One of the most well-written Worm stories I've ever read, Ring-Maker, features a Ward!Taylor that stays a Ward. "Taylor Hebert died on the fourth of January, 2011. Taylor gets straight-up Revenge (ch2, ch3). I've put them down numerically for ease of reading as well. MC is Taylor from an AU (Riley/Bonesaww triggered with QA bug control powers and killed Jack Slash) but she lived her life as is canon, then gets swapped into the Cyberpunk universe and must survive. Go Gently (A Welcome to Nightvale crossover) has some great Taylor/Alec moments Slippery Slope (Ack's Empire fic) has Taylor with Kaiser's nephew Peter Dean was for Missy, Taylor said so. Emma was not having a good time. "She did. The Wolf Time: Taylor and the bullies both escalate in violence, Taylor triggers and accidentally affects Emma with her power, Taylor flees in a fugue state, Shadow Stalker successfully convinces the heroes/PRT that this was a planned parahuman attack on the school. Si Vis Pacem has Taylor as a self-biokinetic. One-shot. Over time she develops the same abilities he can use. Dead, but good. If you want second chapters of any story, PM me. She indeed gets a loving and caring boyfriend. Missy looked thoughtful. Taylor and her father have been exiled to Earth Delet, where Taylor recovers physically, starts college, makes friends, and begins to regain powers, both old and new. It Gets Worse - Taylor has the power of permanent good luck. utterly terrifying and completely unpredictable. I think Taylor dates Tecton in Hope Comes to Brockton Bay. She also fought kaiser who didn’t kill her but contained her, so she bit off her own tongue or something and just resurrected outside the blade cage Jan 28, 2011 · "Dennis, that was terrible," the groaning boy said, pinching the bridge of his nose. " Gallant nodded, smiling slightly, while Missy giggled. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Fuck, why would they… Oh that's right. Enjoy. "Yes. "Look, Dennis. Amy x Taylor is much more popular for SFW fics. But the end of one story is often the beginning of another, and when she's offered the chance to take part in a mission whose scale and scope feel so very familiar, there's only one answer she could give. E. But I haven't been able to find many Changer!Taylor fics or Breaker!Taylor stories. A collection of my many Worm ideas, the fantastical whims of when I would burn out and need a breather, get a bad case of writer's block, or just like an idea and want to see where it goes. Taylor's unbelievably good at math and has been helping them, so Vicky suggested that maybe she could figure out a way to help me with my dyscalculia. Ignore the snickers and mocking looks, as he turns his attention back tothe lesson, right. In Daddy's Girl he's Taylor's father kind of. I love that those are the ends of the scale when they could be the equally bad just the first one has a nice personality similar to Bonesaw. In Twitch (ch2, ch3), Taylor uses Regent's power to take control of Emma, then goes for Sophia. Taylor Hebert has been known by many titles during the course of her young life: Daughter, friend, victim, villain, warlord, hero, monster, savior… But now, awakening in a whole new world after defeating Scion, she will have to bear a new unexpected title: Campione. The basic premise is that Taylor likes being bullied and starts crushing on Sophia hard. It's a Peggy We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Taylor ends up dating one of the OC guys she goes to college with. So, make with the explainy and make it quick. But it is still an amazing story and reading it has been a great "Yeah I know right? Apparently Taylor's Dad and the director had a lot of stuff to talk about. Thread is here The Crisis Of Taylor Hebert … She puts Taylor in the hospital punching her full-strength right in the face before flying off in a snit without stopping to see the aftermath. The ! isn't usually used for two characters, but Taylor!Dennis might refer to a Dennis who lives with his dockworker dad and triggers in the locker, or maybe the usual Dennis in the wards but with canon Taylor's powers?) If you're interested in cyberpunk as a subgenre of science fiction rather than Cyberpunk the franchise, then you might be interested in my story; Ghost in the Flesh. is a WH40K crossover where Taylor's trigger turns her into an Eldar Farseer (essentially a psychic space elf. Little Hunter. " The Deputy series has Taylor/Carlos. I forgot the name though. Caught in Your Web is a snippet about a romance between Taylor and Dennis/Clockblocker over a period of several years. Taylor's cries of anguish after she witnessed her mother's death were heard and left her with a different kind of power. 57k words, last updated in February 2020. "Where are your dogs?" Asked Taylor. "Wonderful. Her trigger stranded her in New Orleans, erased her memories, and gave her glowing eyes; Circus took her under her wings until she was self-sufficient enough to found a gang of teenage thieves. 'The impact of Capes on society'. The Wolf Time is a well-written TxB fic, where Taylor has the power to turn herself and others into dogs or werewolves. As a caveat, the relationship isn't the main focus. All the others in school were either people above her or those trying to be popular by getting closer to her. Taylor was in the alley instead of Emma and triggered there. But that last one seems less likely for a number of reasons. "Maybe she's an alien," the time stopping cape suggested with a smirk. "Well," Dennis sighed, "Normally, there's no way in hell I'd be able to beat you all on my own. They both like the same boy, but Sophia ends up dating him, so it doesn't quite count. The Techno Queen *KRAKATHOOM* has the ever hilarious Taylor/Dennis. " This is not a fictional universe you want to spoil for yourself by reading fanfiction first, and this one-shot in particular assumes prior knowledge of the characters, terminology, and canon storyline. She fights leviathan and dies so many times she nearly one shots it. I'm gonna get downvoted, but what the heck: "The Taylor Twins. Or, possibly, simply that ridiculous gun of hers. There was nothing left except for a few fragments of bone. " Amy Dallon had worn a wig. Joke out of the way. " He smiled widely. Taylor noticed that Bitch's dogs were missing. Links to my profiles on other websites can be found in the Notes at the end of the chapters. And I can honestly say I've never considered or seen Taylor x Alexandria before. It goes somewhat differently after that, as her call for help is answered by something from a lot further away than one might expect A story in which Taylor makes a very large friend, the world gets confused, and Danny comes into his own. Feb 22, 2019 · This is, of course, fanfic set in the Parahumans universe. In Give Advice, Take Heart, and Have Fun Colin gives fairly good dating advice to Dennis. Taylor was adopted into a tribe of Predators and came back to Brockton Bay a few years later. " "Did she now" The director was still staring at him. She's sent to the birdcage at the Dennis asked, glancing sideways and stopping dead. So, watching Taylor adjust Glory Girl's understanding of her place in life provided a great deal of pleasure. After a few seconds of silence, Taylor noticed that Rachael had tears in her eyes. The back of someone who was obviously Amy was just visible, standing in the entrance to one of the smaller covered markets that opened off this end of Smiling to herself, Taylor watched Amy walk over and lean down next to Dennis, the tail that only she could see twitching back and forth as she spoke quietly to the boy. Silencio is a silly light-hearted story about Taylor with the powers of a Mime. " Dennis gave me a big smile. Don't need to know anything about Transformers to enjoy it. "If you'd like to stay for the rest of class, I would appreciate it. Alchemical Solutions teases every now and then, along with Taylor/Chris and Taylor/Dean. Also A Worm fanfic by TheDivineDemon. All types of LGBT pairings and characters are welcome as well as triads and poly ships. "You're Taylor Hebert. " Dennis gestured to the boy sitting next to him. This is my first fic. "Oh, Jesus Christ," he breathed, putting it all together suddenly. Jan 26, 2018 · Idea- an older Taylor has her family die in an accident, caught in a cape fight between a few members of the Triumvirate and the Slaughterhouse 9, she doesn't trigger, instead she obsesses with becoming skilled enough, while staying human, to take down Capes. My favorite is linkao3(Guardian by Vulgarian), a Destiny crossover. When you have Plot Bunnies that simply will not go away, what do you do? Write a chapter and bung them here. in places like SpaceBattles) becomes self-propagating at some point Ah, that was more the part I was thinking of, but I couldn't pick up the quote on my phone. Never seen a Taylor/Dennis story set after she becomes Skitter. And it was an obvious accident, anyone with half a brain could tell that much! "Never fear, I'm not that petty. Keep in mind that this is a crossover with Transformers, but no knowledge of the cross is needed to understand the fic, though you might miss out on some references. Amy pounced, Lisa ducking, then grabbing her with both hands, flipping her end over end. Cue very interesting heel-face turn The last non-interlude chapter (at time of posting) has a HSQ that is almost off the charts. Shadow Stalker: Advent of a Hero is also decent. "You're losing it, Dennis. Books: Worm fanfiction archive with over 1,691 stories. Briefly. " "She could be hiding it in a weird time-space pocket. There's a unique category of fanfic, present everywhere but definitely here, where everything works out as perfectly as the author can imagine, and Constellations (which I do like) and Taylor Varga are two prime examples. It looked like it was, certainly. Even her father begins to show some unusual abilities. . This sub is for fanfic recommendations and discussion related to LGBT pairings and characters in the Harry Potter universe. "Glad to have you with us again, Taylor. Reply reply VedasTorahQuaron Book Worm is a Mama Dragon snip, but Dadmaster features a bit. Oh. She, her sister, and four of Taylor's friends all go to Taylor's house once a week for math tutoring. They date a bit but she quickly decided to Lisa looked a little dubious, then sighed faintly. The quality and average post length improve as it progresses. Amy and Taylor watched her go for a moment, then looked at each other. [AU, Alt-power Taylor, Glaistig Uaine / Solo Leveling inspired Necromancer power, Eventual Warlord Taylor] "The Apple fell far" is, despite the sonewhat cracky premise (Taylor is Skidmarks daughter), really good. Lung Battle. This includes all of his swords, though Taylor is trying to learn her own fighting style then Archers more suicidal fighting style. He's obviously not an original character but I know a lot of Worm readers don't make it that far. Fortunately, this happened," he made a 'T' shape with his hands, "Time Out. There is that fic where Emma dies early and Sophia and Taylor become friends/teammates. I'd personally scale it from the story Nemesis where Taylor is a nice cracky villain to the Bloodborne fanfiction where her very existence drives people mad and brings eldritch beings to Earth to kill the heroes. true. With Dennis at her side, they watched the Arcadia gym get torn down again. May 27, 2021 · The Empress of Parahumans. Sophia went to the bathroom again, I think she's still there. Copacetic has Taylor dating a guy called Reid. I do not own Worm, or any of the other series referenced or quoted in this fic, I am making no money off of this. Hannah, recalls the night dispatch called that Armsmaster Captured Lung. "Both of them were blonde. The fic diverges, with SB going one way and SV going the other. " I can't find my voice yet, so I just nod. She knew what Taylor meant, that other people would have started a fight or even called the police in response to the accident. That was sort of rude, but he was probably trying to be funny. " After a few seconds, she shook her head. . Jul 1, 2022 · Taylor's mother first imparted this wisdom to her after picking Taylor up from daycare when she complained that the other kids pulled her hair and kicked over her block fortress. "Nice superhero pose," she giggled. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. Taylor was the Sole Survivor of the events in Fallout 4 and came back to Brockton Bay a few years older and with her son. Medical Tinker Taylor in a Cyberpunk world. This subreddit is for all things related to the game Wildermyth by Worldwalker Games. Taylor is a Tinker putting her all in theatrics. " Taylor stared at him a few moments, then she let her glasses slide down her nose as she glared over them flatly stating, "Carlos isn't here right now Dennis. Unless specifically mentioned, these are all crossovers with Worm. Breath in, a breath out, a steadying of the scope. I'm in the process of reading trailblazer, but I can't remember any other robot tinker taylor fics. "Dennis screamed and ran away when I showed him. However, I wanted to use fics where taylor is a tinker and creates robots and/or AI as models for my fic. Status: Dead (Unofficial) Wordcount: 25K Curio's (Worm) Rouge type: Shop Rouge (Non Cape) THE TECHNO QUEEN (Worm AU, humour, with extra HAM&CHEESE!) Is a must-read. "Did one of them have brown, curly hair?" "No," said Dad. The only one I know of is Worm: More Than Meets The Eye, where Taylor becomes a sort-of apprentice to dragon. It's crossover between Worm and Sonnie's Edge, a short film from the Netflix sci-fi anthology Love, Death and Robots which is chock full of some wonderful cyberpunk imagery. The results of her trip into the locker yield a different sort of administration for Taylor Hebert. Taylor has a bad day that ends in a locker. " "You always think your jokes are funny," the taller boy sighed. Firebird Taylor is Jean Gray from X-men (I didn't like this fic personally but I guess she's strong). The Khepri Files [Worm/Dresdenverse crossover] Double Cross? The Tales of a Teenage Necromancer : Taylor is last from a long line of Wizards and Witches . The other girl landed on both legs and one hand, her tail out behind her, making Taylor clap. Dennis observed the unmoving forms of the Slaughterhouse Nine, the Siberian stuck mid-stride, the confused smile fixed on Jack's face. One that allowed her to rule over more than just bugs, but over death itself. Advancing Technology is Colin as mentor. If you haven't read it yet, definitely go check it out! Story details, light spoilers inside: Hybrid Hive is a Magical Girl-type story with Taylor bonding to a Device in such a way that her Shard ends up absorbed. L. Gold Morning was supposed to be the end. Without Taylor around, Emma didn't truly have anyone she knew. It sort of adds up to Worm power rules. By staying a rogue Taylor gains much more money, security, freedom and control then she would have had as a hero or villain. Taylor Hebert's fight was supposed to be over. " "I believe so," Taylor replied, a contented smirk on her face. Rachael clenched her fist, but didn't answer. From the sound of things her Dad was split between wanting to rip the place apart, wanting to chase after Taylor, and wanting to make sure he got Taylor some kind of immediate benefits before they would even consider the Wards program. That Others May Tinker - (I'm the author of this one) Taylor is a heroic Tinker willingly working for Coil while dating Dennis. I've read Vanity (actually a good story, and SFW, which is surprising given the material it uses for Taylor's powers) and Criminal Commitment, but I haven't been able to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Satisfied that things would work out, she went back to eating and listening to Eric tell a long, complicated, and very funny anecdote. The capstone of a short, frenetic career. But the one who gave me the letter… Helluva job Dennis, helluva job. Taylor gets the power to go into works of fiction and come out with new powers, pets, and items. " Everyone but the redhead froze. Sometimes it creates more than it solves. "Scared of Taylor? My daughter Taylor But by staying neutral and offering her services to both sides for a fee she doesn't disrupt the balance as much, putting villains and heroes in stalemate in terms of press-gang. Skitter, The Composer, Banshee, THE TECHNO QUEEN, Marceau, Shy Girl, Starfield. THROTTLE - I wouldn't say Taylor is happy exactly, but the story is just plain fun. The shard running out would be a delicious gut punch. Feb 17, 2011 · But things are looking up now, I'm happy, Taylor is happy, the city is suddenly on the mend, so I can't complain. No matter how badly she treated Taylor, Taylor was someone she relied on. "It's a lot of fun as well. Chris went white and wouldn't look at me any more, he was muttering something about some special goggles. Amusingly, Bonesaw say Taylor in the news and decided that she wanted to be a Magical Girl too. I am. I had also added these two on my to-read list, but haven't read them yet : Skitter Studies (Dresden Files/Worm) Feb 28, 2011 · Taylor has a bad day that ends in a locker. I haven't read it yet, but "Intergalactic no fault collision" is also Vicky x Taylor. Well, it died not long after that, but Victoria knew that Amy got jealous when she dated people (and like canon, thought it was because Amy had a crush on Dean) so she asked Taylor not to tell her about it for a while. She ends Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. Gladly's smile is forced, and fake. spoiler. Mar 16, 2017 · The whole people collection thing makes me wary (even though I know most people like it) and the amount of time the s9 woulda got would piss a lot of people off (even though I personally would like it). The author officially declared it dead, but it's 10+ chapters (beefy, too) of interesting Taylor X Amy. " Danny stared, then dropped into a free chair, gaping at her. "I thought it was funny. You're looking for Taylor/Dennis. F. This fic loosely follows Worm's plot in the way that any abridged series does. A crossover between Worm and the Cyberpunk universe. One of my current ongoing stories here and on all of my other websites such as QuestionableQuesting, Hentai-Foundry, and Fanfiction. Vicky, who had her arm around Dean's waist and was floating about half an inch off the ground allowing him to tow her along, followed his eyes. I remember touch Taylor is terminator who traveled into an alternate dimension by accident and tries to recreate Skynet. Taylor triggered in the locker, only she was sent forward or backwards in time and found herself in a different Earth, starting at the founding of the Imperium, her conquering the galaxy, reuniting with her sons and her battle against Chaos. Dennis summarized a little sarcastically. "Normal and unremarkable," the remaining Dallon girl snickered, looking at her friend, who grinned back. Worm is written by Wildbow, and I'm grateful he's alright with folks using his setting. Shopkeeper [Worm AU/Crossover] Rouge type: Shop Rouge Description: Taylor runs a fantasy item shop/bar/more and can make the door of the shop appear anywhere she wants, quite fun, shame it is kind of short. It's still NSFW as hell, but significantly less fucked in the brain. There is another fun one, where the two of them are isekaied into a cultivation setting during summer camp. Summary: Taylor Hebert triggers with a rather strange ability, and this causes the domino effect across the events of Brockton Bay, where creatures of sexual lust and living make their home, and Taylor becomes the Breeder taking care of them. "I have a sneaking suspicion that the Endbringers are scared of either Taylor, or Varga. Everyone has heard that one. qo gj lh dc ih yt hb xz kg xv